Mary Klinkradt
Raising Hope South Africa, South Africa
Title: Inside out and outside in: Two perspectives on a specific disability driven community program
Biography: Mary Klinkradt
This paper examines a community support program run in Cape Town, South Africa. The programme known as the UP Family Days was started by a parent of a child with multiple disabilities, including autism, for families impacted by disabilities. The implications, effects and impact of the program will be considered from two perspectives: that of the parents (families) who participate in the program, and that of the volunteers who work with the disabled children and their parents, but who are not otherwise themselves impacted in any way (personally or within the family unit) by autism. The importance of community programmes, community awareness and the need for connections between families, support groups and the greater community will also be considered within the context of this particular programme. The need to strengthen and empower families who are impacted by autism and other disabilities within the community is explored through these two opposing perspectives.