Theme: Exploring Autism Across the Lifespan: Challenges and Opportunities | Hotel Venue : Millennium Hotel Paris Charles De Gaulle

Autism 2024

Renowned Speakers

Autism 2024

The 6th European Autism Congress is set to take place on May 27-28, 2024, in the beautiful city of Paris, France. This eagerly anticipated conference will bring together leading experts, researchers, practitioners, and advocates in the field of autism to exchange knowledge, share advancements, and discuss the latest developments in autism spectrum disorders.
Organized under the theme "Exploring Autism Across the Lifespan: Challenges and Opportunities" the congress aims to foster collaboration and synergy among professionals working towards enhancing the lives of individuals with autism. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in a diverse range of sessions, including keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and poster presentations.
The 6th European Autism Congress offers a multidisciplinary platform for participants to explore cutting-edge research, evidence-based interventions, and innovative approaches in autism diagnosis, treatment, and support. Experts will present their latest findings in areas such as genetics, neuroscience, behavioral interventions, inclusive education, communication strategies, and transition planning.
In addition to the scientific program, the congress will feature an exhibition space showcasing state-of-the-art products, services, and technologies related to autism. Attendees will have the chance to network with colleagues, forge new collaborations, and gain insights from renowned professionals in the field.
Paris, renowned for its rich history, iconic landmarks, and vibrant culture, provides an ideal backdrop for this esteemed event. Participants will not only benefit from the congress but also have the opportunity to explore the city's unique charm.
The 6th European Autism Congress is a must-attend event for researchers, clinicians, educators, policymakers, and individuals with autism and their families, as it promises to be an enriching experience that will shape the future of autism support and understanding across Europe.
Why to attend???
  • Build your professional network.
  • Hear about the latest research.
  • Improve your presentation and communication skills.
  • Get response on an early version of your latest work.
  • Acquire beyond your field or interest.
  • Get opportunity to people to meet you.
  • Know the strengths and weakness of your conferences.
  • Easier to solve the problems and struggles which you go through at work.


Session on Understanding the Neurobiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders

This session aims to delve into the intricate neurobiological mechanisms underlying autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Experts will explore the latest research findings on brain structure, connectivity, and genetic factors associated with ASD. Attendees will gain insights into the role of neurotransmitters, neural circuits, and immune system dysregulation in autism. The session will provide a foundation for comprehending the complex interplay between genetics, brain development, and behavioral manifestations observed in individuals with ASD.

Session on Effective Strategies for Early Autism Diagnosis

This session will focus on equipping professionals and caregivers with effective strategies for early autism diagnosis. Participants will learn about early warning signs and red flags that indicate potential autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in young children. Experts will share evidence-based assessment tools, screening protocols, and diagnostic criteria for early identification. Additionally, the session will discuss the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration and early intervention services to optimize outcomes for children with ASD and their families

Session on Promoting Social Communication Skills in Individuals with Autism

This session aims to explore practical strategies for enhancing social communication skills in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Attendees will learn evidence-based interventions and techniques for improving social interaction, nonverbal communication, and social-emotional reciprocity. Experts will discuss the importance of incorporating visual supports, social stories, and structured play activities to facilitate social skill development. The session will also address the role of peer-mediated interventions and inclusion programs in fostering positive social interactions and building meaningful relationships for individuals with ASD.

Session on Supporting Transition to Adulthood for Autistic Individuals

This session will focus on providing guidance and support for the transition from adolescence to adulthood for individuals on the autism spectrum. Experts will discuss key challenges and potential barriers faced by autistic individuals during this critical life phase. Attendees will learn about effective transition planning, including vocational training, independent living skills, and community integration programs. The session will highlight person-centered approaches, empowerment strategies, and resources available to promote a successful transition and enhance the overall well-being of autistic individuals as they navigate adulthood.

Session on Inclusive Education: Empowering Autistic Students in Schools

This session will focus on promoting inclusive education practices that empower autistic students in school settings. Participants will gain insights into creating an inclusive classroom environment, fostering positive social interactions, and addressing individual learning needs. Experts will share strategies for modifying curriculum, implementing visual supports, and promoting peer acceptance and support. Attendees will learn about collaboration between educators, parents, and support professionals to ensure that autistic students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally within the school community.

Session on The Role of Assistive Technology in Autism Interventions

This session will explore the valuable role of assistive technology in supporting individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Experts will discuss a range of assistive technologies, including communication devices, visual aids, and sensory tools, that can enhance communication, independence, and daily functioning for individuals with ASD. Attendees will learn about effective selection, implementation, and customization of assistive technology to meet the unique needs of individuals with autism. The session will highlight success stories and practical strategies for integrating assistive technology into autism interventions.

This session will provide an overview of the latest advances in genetic research pertaining to autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Experts will discuss the identification of specific genes and genetic variants associated with ASD, as well as the complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors. Attendees will gain insights into the potential implications for diagnosis, personalized treatments, and early intervention. The session will highlight the ongoing research efforts aimed at unraveling the genetic underpinnings of ASD and their potential impact on improving outcomes for individuals with autism.
This session will focus on the unique mental health challenges faced by autistic adults and strategies to support their well-being. Experts will discuss common co-occurring conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and sensory sensitivities, that impact mental health. Attendees will learn about effective assessment tools, therapeutic interventions, and self-care practices tailored to the needs of autistic adults. The session will emphasize the importance of destigmatizing mental health, promoting access to mental health services, and fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for autistic adults.

Session on Family-Centered Approaches for Autism Support

This session will highlight the significance of family-centered approaches in supporting individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Experts will discuss the critical role of families as partners in intervention planning and decision-making. Attendees will learn about strategies for fostering family resilience, promoting effective communication, and addressing the unique needs of siblings and caregivers. The session will emphasize the importance of collaborative relationships between professionals and families to create comprehensive and tailored support systems that enhance the overall well-being of individuals with ASD and their families.

Session on Autism and Employment: Breaking Barriers, Unlocking Potential

This session will explore the challenges and opportunities related to employment for individuals on the autism spectrum. Experts will discuss strategies for breaking down barriers and promoting inclusive hiring practices. Attendees will gain insights into effective workplace accommodations, vocational training programs, and supportive services that enhance employment opportunities for autistic individuals. The session will highlight success stories and best practices from employers and organizations dedicated to creating inclusive work environments that unlock the untapped potential of individuals with autism.

Session on Sensory Processing Issues in Autism: Assessment and Intervention

This session will delve into the complex topic of sensory processing issues in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Experts will discuss assessment methods to identify sensory sensitivities and challenges experienced by individuals with ASD. Attendees will learn about evidence-based interventions and strategies to address sensory processing difficulties, including sensory integration therapy, environmental modifications, and sensory diets. The session will emphasize the importance of a comprehensive and individualized approach to support individuals with autism in managing sensory issues and optimizing their overall well-being.

Session on Autism and Co-occurring Conditions: Strategies for Dual Diagnosis

This session will focus on the recognition and management of co-occurring conditions in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Experts will discuss common co-occurring conditions such as ADHD, anxiety, and epilepsy, and the impact they can have on individuals with ASD. Attendees will learn about effective assessment strategies, treatment approaches, and interventions that address the unique needs of individuals with dual diagnoses. The session will highlight the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and comprehensive care for optimizing outcomes in individuals with autism and co-occurring conditions.

Session on Cultural Considerations in Autism Assessment and Treatment

This session will explore the importance of cultural sensitivity and awareness when assessing and treating autism spectrum disorders (ASD) within diverse cultural contexts. Experts will discuss the impact of culture on autism identification, diagnostic processes, and intervention approaches. Attendees will gain insights into the role of cultural values, beliefs, and practices in shaping perceptions and experiences of autism. The session will highlight strategies for adapting assessment tools, incorporating cultural perspectives, and fostering culturally responsive interventions to ensure effective and culturally sensitive support for individuals with ASD and their families.

Session on Effective Interventions for Challenging Behaviors in Autism

This session will focus on evidence-based interventions for addressing challenging behaviors commonly observed in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Experts will discuss strategies for identifying the underlying causes of challenging behaviors, implementing behavior management techniques, and promoting positive behavior supports. Attendees will learn about functional behavior assessments, behavior intervention plans, and proactive strategies to reduce challenging behaviors and improve overall quality of life for individuals with ASD. The session will emphasize the importance of individualized and person-centered approaches in effectively addressing challenging behaviors.

Session on Promoting Autistic Advocacy and Self-Advocacy

This session will explore the importance of promoting autistic advocacy and self-advocacy for individuals on the autism spectrum. Experts will discuss strategies for empowering autistic individuals to advocate for their own needs, rights, and inclusion. Attendees will learn about self-advocacy skills development, building self-confidence, and fostering a supportive community for autistic individuals. The session will highlight successful self-advocacy initiatives and resources, promoting a greater understanding and appreciation for the voices and perspectives of autistic individuals.

Session on Parent-Professional Collaboration in Autism Intervention

This session will emphasize the crucial role of parent-professional collaboration in effective autism intervention. Experts will discuss the benefits of a collaborative approach, promoting open communication, and building strong partnerships between parents and professionals. Attendees will learn about strategies for engaging parents as active participants in their child's intervention plan, sharing resources and expertise, and fostering a cohesive support network. The session will highlight successful models of parent-professional collaboration and empower attendees to establish collaborative relationships that enhance the outcomes and well-being of individuals with autism.

Session on Latest Trends in Autism Research and Innovations

This session will provide an overview of the cutting-edge trends in autism research and innovative approaches to autism intervention. Experts will discuss emerging research findings, advancements in technology, and novel treatment modalities that are shaping the field of autism. Attendees will gain insights into topics such as early detection, personalized therapies, biomarkers, and neurodiversity. The session will showcase the latest breakthroughs and encourage a forward-thinking mindset to improve understanding, support, and outcomes for individuals with autism spectrum disorders.

Session on Autism and Gender: Understanding Intersectional Experiences

This session will explore the intersectionality of autism and gender, shedding light on the unique experiences of individuals who identify as both autistic and non-binary, transgender, or gender diverse. Experts will discuss the impact of gender identity on autism diagnosis, access to support services, and social experiences. Attendees will gain insights into promoting inclusivity, fostering understanding, and addressing the specific needs of autistic individuals within the context of gender identity. The session will emphasize the importance of embracing diversity and creating affirming environments for all individuals on the autism spectrum.

Session on Supporting the Mental Health of Siblings of Autistic Individuals

This session will focus on the unique experiences and challenges faced by siblings of individuals on the autism spectrum. Experts will discuss the potential impact on mental health and well-being, as well as strategies to support and empower siblings. Attendees will learn about promoting sibling relationships, fostering open communication, and providing resources for emotional support. The session will highlight the importance of recognizing and addressing the specific needs of siblings in order to promote their overall mental health and resilience.

Session on Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Autism Services

This session will provide guidance on the effective implementation of evidence-based practices in autism services. Experts will discuss the importance of using research-supported interventions and strategies to ensure quality care and positive outcomes for individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Attendees will learn about key components of successful implementation, such as training staff, monitoring progress, and adapting interventions to individual needs. The session will highlight case studies and best practices to guide participants in delivering evidence-based services in their respective settings.

The 6th European Autism Congress, scheduled to take place on May 27-28, 2024, in the vibrant city of Paris, France, presents an excellent opportunity for sponsors and exhibitors to showcase their support and commitment to the autism community. With its focus on advancing understanding, awareness, and support for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the congress attracts a diverse audience of researchers, clinicians, educators, caregivers, and policymakers from across Europe.
As a sponsor or exhibitor at the 6th European Autism Congress, your organization will have a unique platform to demonstrate its dedication to promoting autism research, intervention strategies, and inclusive practices. By aligning your brand with this prominent event, you will gain significant exposure and visibility among key stakeholders in the field of autism, including leading researchers, renowned clinicians, and influential policymakers.
Sponsors and exhibitors will have the opportunity to engage directly with congress attendees, including professionals working in autism-related fields, families affected by ASD, and representatives from autism organizations and support groups. Through your participation, you can showcase your products, services, and initiatives that contribute to the advancement of autism research, therapeutic interventions, educational resources, assistive technologies, and advocacy efforts.
Furthermore, the 6th European Autism Congress provides a platform for sponsors and exhibitors to network and collaborate with like-minded organizations and professionals. You will have the chance to forge valuable partnerships, exchange knowledge and best practices, and contribute to the collective effort in enhancing the lives of individuals with autism and their families.
Don't miss the opportunity to be part of the 6th European Autism Congress in Paris, France, on May 27-28, 2024. As a sponsor or exhibitor, you can showcase your commitment to the autism community, gain significant exposure, and engage with influential stakeholders in the field. Contact us now to secure your sponsorship or exhibition spot and make a meaningful impact at this prestigious event.
The 6th European Autism Congress is a prestigious event focused on the field of autism research, treatment, and support. It will take place in Paris, France on May 27-28, 2024. We cordially invite researchers, clinicians, educators, and professionals working in the field of autism to submit their abstracts and join us for this important congress.
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
Abstract submissions are now open for the 6th European Autism Congress. We encourage individuals and teams involved in autism-related research, clinical practice, and community initiatives to share their work through abstract submissions. The deadline for abstract submission is February 28, 2024. All abstracts must be submitted electronically through the congress website.
Abstract Submission Details:
Abstracts must be written in English and should not exceed 300 words. They should be structured with clear sections, including Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Please ensure that all author names and affiliations are provided, with the presenting author clearly indicated.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the congress proceedings and will be available to attendees. Presenting authors will be notified of the acceptance status by March 31, 2024. It is expected that the presenting author will attend the congress to present their work in either an oral or poster presentation format.
We look forward to receiving your abstract and to your valuable participation in the 6th European Autism Congress in Paris, France. Should you have any questions regarding abstract submission, please feel free to contact the congress secretariat.
The 6th European Autism Congress, scheduled to take place on May 27-28, 2024, in Paris, France, is expected to be a pivotal event in the field of autism research, diagnosis, and treatment. As the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders continues to rise worldwide, this congress will provide a unique platform for researchers, clinicians, educators, and industry professionals to share insights, exchange knowledge, and discuss the latest advancements in autism care.
The market analysis for the 6th European Autism Congress reveals promising trends and opportunities in the field. The global autism market has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by increased awareness, improved diagnosis techniques, and a growing demand for effective interventions. The European market, in particular, has witnessed substantial investment in autism research and development, making it a hub for innovation and collaboration.
Key areas of focus for the congress include early intervention strategies, innovative therapies, assistive technologies, and educational approaches for individuals with autism. The market analysis highlights a surge in research funding, public-private partnerships, and the emergence of startups dedicated to developing novel solutions for autism. Pharmaceutical companies are also investing in the development of targeted medications to address specific symptoms and co-occurring conditions associated with autism.
Moreover, the congress presents an excellent opportunity for companies in the autism industry to showcase their products, services, and technologies. The exhibition area will feature leading providers of diagnostic tools, therapeutic interventions, educational resources, and assistive devices. Industry leaders can leverage this platform to connect with potential partners, expand their networks, and gain valuable market insights.
In conclusion, the 6th European Autism Congress in Paris, France, will serve as a catalyst for advancing autism research and innovation. With a thriving market and increasing collaboration among stakeholders, the congress is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of autism care in Europe and beyond.

To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date May 27-28, 2024
Sponsors & Exhibitors Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities
Speaker Opportunity Closed
Poster Opportunity Closed Click Here to View